Monday, July 28, 2014

New Normal

My plan to start a monthly blog for 2014 has not worked out so well.  It is July 28 and this is blog #2. Geeze! Oh well, maybe this time will be better. (Ha!)
I decided I would begin to blog about our "new normal," a parent of a child with hearing loss.  I'm hoping if I blog about my feelings and experiences I will be able to look back in a few years and see God's hand working in the life of my family.  
So what is new normal? It all started on July 4, 2014, when the boys were in an accident while driving a hunting/golf cart.  Tyler was driving and as they around the corner the cart flipped onto its side. Travis was on the back and landed hard on his left side.  After a trip to the Baylor Murphy ER we were transferred to Children's.  We had great care at both places.  The doctors were concerned with two main problems, the blood behind his ear drum and the small fracture in his mastoid bone.  After deciding that there was nothing surgical that needed to be done we were sent home.  He was on a non-chew diet that really was quite enjoyable for him.  All you can drink Root-Beer Floats, milkshakes, and Mac-n-cheese.  This lasted a few days and then he was able to munch away.  We went to Port Aransas and then he went to Amarillo for Mission Trip.  His pain during this time got better, but his hearing had never changed. He still could not hear a thing on the left side.  
On July 24th, we went to see Dr. Wyll our ENT.  After checking him out she sent us to the audiologist for a hearing test. I sat in the room and was able to watch the screen as she conducted the test.  It was very clear that the two sides were incredibly different.  When she completed the test she turned around and said she was so sorry.  I will never forget the look on her face, such pitty and sadness.  At that moment I did not quite grasp what she was saying. She began explaining the results and finally the word came out...PERMANENT. I knew all along he had hearing loss, I mean come on that is why we were there.  I was waiting for a plan of action, drops, time, no sports, even surgery were all things I had prepared for, but never the word PERMANENT! She explained to both Travis and I that there might be options for him, but that basically he was down to one ear and he needed to do everything he could to protect it.
Insert mom tears!
Through all of this news Travis has kept an amazing attitude.  We talked about how he would have a story to share with Sports Center when he got drafted. (Grin) I continued to question God and be more and more angry.  It is hard to understand why this is happening to him, but I know God has prepared his heart for the struggles that he will face.  
We go to another specialist next week, so more news to come on our "new normal."

Friday, January 4, 2013

I'm Baaaaack!

I am happy to announce that my blog is back in action, even if I am the only one that might ever read it. Here is to a good time and good writing!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Mexico Vacation (342 photos, 15 videos), by Jennifer Lambert

I'd like to share my Snapfish photos with you. Once you have checked out my photos you can order prints and upload your own photos to share.
Click here to view photos

Mexico 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010

Consider Your Words

Before you act, comment, respond, post or criticize ask yourself, How would this make me feel on my worst day? If you are confident that your comment will not negatively affect someone else then you are safe. We never know how our words can be interpreted or misconstrued. Whether well intended or not words can hurt or crush someone.
My the words of my mouth be uplifting to others.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

This year we had all of the family in the same house. There were 25 at one time! The boys said it was great to have everyone together, and wanted to know if other families has all their grandparents in the same house. (hee hee)